5.1 Your pool alarm integrates intelligent system which analyzes the surface of the pool
and can automatically reset. It is easy to operate, and involve many different functions,
which are achieved through operation of Control Buttons.
1. To move control button, you have to press it down at first, this is designed to
avoid false operation by children.
2. Status indication
A. Surveillance status
Green light flash at intervals of 10s
B. Sleep/Swimming status
Yellow light flash at intervals of 10s
C. System-Off status
Red light flash at intervals of 10s
D Alarming sound locking
Red light and yellow light keep
flashing of 30s
5.2 System Start
Fig 4
Fig 5
5.3 System Turnoff
Warning: Please turn off the system only when out for holiday or pool not in use
for long time;
Move control button to "OFF", system turns off ,red light
will start to
flash every 30s
(see Fig. 5).
Move control button to "SURVEIL", green light
flash every 30s, it indicates the
system into surveillance status (see Fig. 4).