The following checklist contains the steps you must follow to
ensure proper arming and operation of the 5-in-1 unit, as well as
proper motor response:
Each time before you fly you should ALWAYS turn the
transmitter on before connecting the flight battery to the 5-
in-1 unit. Never connect the flight battery to the 5-in-1 unit
before powerin the transmitter on first. After each flight, be
sure that you always disconnect the flight battery from the
5-in-1 unit before powering the transmitter off.
We have set the code for you before the helicopters
leave factory. It is not necessary to adjust it again in the
future, unless the transmitter can not control the helicopter.
Turn on the transmitter and slide the li-po into the helicopter, If
the indicative led light flashes Please set up the throttle to zero
graduation ,then the led light become solid red,thenmove the
throttle stick slightly on the transmitter forwarder and after to
make the blade circumrotate.Push the throttle at any direction
and the blade swing against it; push any button of trim and the
scale of LCD variety against it .then the helicopter is good.
If you find any abnormal situation when you check your
helicopter, Please do as below:
Reinstall the battery of transmitter
Reinstall the Li-Po battery of the helicopter, and check if the
battery installed reverse
Rebind for the helicopter
If your helicopter still can not work after do as above said, please
call the Nine Eagle Support Team at
0086-21-52919366 OR
EMAIL: [email protected]
Once you have placed the helicopter in a safe area, free of
obstructions, and are clear of the rotor blades, you can safely
begin to power up the model to check for proper operation of the
Advance the throttle stick upward slowly, just until both rotor
blades begin to spin.
DO NOT attempt the fly the helicopter at
this time.
Note the direction that each of the rotor blades spins.
When viewed from the top, the upper main rotor blades should
spin counter clockwise and the lower main rotor blades should
spin clockwise. If either set of rotor blades is operating in the
wrong direction, disconnect the battery and reverse the polarity
of the corresponding motor's input power leads
After confirming that the direction of rotation for both rotor
blades is correct, it is best to confirm that both rotor blades
respond properly to rudder control inputs.
With the rotor blades spinning at a low level of power, move the
rudder stick all the way to the right. This should cause the speed of
the upper main rotor blade to increase, and the speed of the lower
main rotor blade to decrease.
Next, move the rudder stick all the way to the left. This should
cause the speed of the lower main rotor blade to increase and the
speed of the
upper main rotor blade to decrease. If both rotor
blades are not responding properly to rudder input, simply swap
the locations of their motor plugs on
the 5-in-1 unit.
After confirming that both rotor blades are rotating in the correct
directions, and are responding properly to rudder inputs, your FREE
SPIRIT MICRO/SOLO is ready for flight. However, please be sure to
review the following sections of the manual BEFORE proceeding
with the first flight.