Connection error! Disable flow control on module.
verify the the modem is powered on. If you are using the Skywire Development Kit,
press the ON_BTN for 1-2 seconds and verify that LED D1 is lit.
8.3 Error Reading HTTPS Responses
If you are not getting entire HTTPS responses when you issue the AT^SISR command,
first query how many bytes you have available to read. For example, before you read
from your socket, issue:
AT^SISR=[socket number],0
followed by the Enter key, and you'll receive the following response:
^SISR: [socket number],[number of available bytes]
If [number of available bytes] is greater than 1500, you can read up to 1500 bytes at
once. If that number is lower than 1500, you can read up to that number of bytes.
Here is an example using Socket 0:
^SISR: 0,361
In this case, there are 361 bytes available to read. You can read up to 361 bytes without
8.4 Verify Credentials
If you believe that your credentials are valid but are unable to establish a connection
using the Skywire modem, you can verify your credentials using OpenSSL. There are
two ways to check the credentials: verifying that they are in a valid format, and using
them to establish a connection to AWS.
8.4.1 Verify file format
To verify the private key, run the following command (substitute in your private key
openssl rsa -in
-inform der -check
The response should be:
RSA key ok
Writing RSA key
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