8. Troubleshooting
There are many steps in the process of setting up a connection to AWS on the Skywire
4G LTE Cat 1 modem. Some of the common errors and possible solutions are listed
8.1 OpenSSL
“Unable to write random state”
If you get the error "unable to write random state" after issuing the command to create a
.pfx file (Section 3.1), make sure you issued the "set RANDFILE=.rnd" command.
OpenSSL needs to be pointed to the location where it can generate the random output
for the credentials.
8.2 Skywire Commands
8.2.1 "The Certificate does not exist"
After issuing the open socket command "at^siso=0", the modem may return the
response "^SIS: 0,0,77,"The certificate does not exist". In this case, try power-cycling
the modem and go through the AT command sequence from the beginning as outlined
in Section 5.
8.2.2 403 Forbidden
If a connection can be established, but the AWS response to the "GET" command is
"403 Forbidden", make sure your AWS policy is set to allow all IoT actions. This can be
done through the AWS IoT Console.
8.2.3 400 Bad Request
If a connection can be established, but the AWS response to the "GET" or "POST"
command is
"400 Bad Request", make sure the syntax of your "GET" or "POST"
command is correct.
8.2.4 RXTX Mismatch Warning
When trying to upload the certificates, if you get the below error message:
WARNING: RXTX Version mismatch
Jar version - RXTX-2.2-pre1.2
native lib version - RXTX-2.2pre2
PN 30168 rev 9
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