PN 1001933 rev 2
© NimbeLink Corp. 2022. All rights reserved.
2.4 Generate Certificates
After pressing the “Next" button, select the “Create certificate" option in the next web page
that loads. Amazon AWS will then generate a client certificate, private key, and a public
key for the “thing" that was just created. Download these certificates and save them in a
convenient place. Also, be sure to download the Amazon AWS CA certificate as this will
be needed for the TLS connection.
Next, press the “Activate" button to assign the generated certificates to the “thing". Finally,
click “Attach a policy" to proceed to the next step. Refer to the image below for reference.
The public and private key can only be downloaded from this page. Once this page
is navigated from, these files will no longer be available for download.