Versatility = Efficiency and Reduced Cleaning Costs
You can’t buy a more versatile central pressure washer system than the Delta Booster … and in this
case, versatility means faster cleaning and efficient, effective solutions to the varied cleaning
requirements often found in a single facility. Cleaning and sanitation crews can work with as little as
300 psi, and as much as 2300 … with 4 1/2 gallons per minute, or 9 … and all simultaneously from
the Delta Booster.
3rd Generation Perfection
KEW Technology first introduced the
central system in 1980,
and the concept and engineering have
evolved through the industry’s first
system into the Delta
Booster. Proven concepts have been
refined, and customers’ experience and
suggestions have resulted in a system
that’s compact, durable, maintenance-
simple, and
You can even “chain” multiple systems
for up to 18-pump operation, if your
operation requires it. And there’s
Meet the KEW Technology C3 Pump
Everything about it is
Heavy Duty.
4 solid ceramic plungers …
a sealed crankcase …
full roller bearing support of rotating parts …
and Totally-Enclosed, Fan-Cooled (TEFC) motors.
Food Processing and
Marine environments
proved the value of a
stainless steel cabinet
and chassis. Easy to
clean, the system won’t
the sanitation
problems it’s designed