03 - General Information
General Machine Description
The SC901 machine is a battery-powered, walk-behind, self-propelled commercial floor scrubbing machine
with either a disc or cylindrical scrub system, and suitable for use in hotels, schools, hospitals, factories,
shops, offices, rental businesses and similar applications. The SC901-28D has a 28" disc deck. The SC901-
34D has a 34" disc deck. The SC901-32C has a 32" cylindrical deck.
The machine is powered by six, 6-volt batteries connected in series, to provide 36 VDC to the motors and
Revision History
Summary of Changes
First Release
Service Manual Purpose and Application
This Service Manual is a resource for professional service technicians It provides information for
understanding how the machine operates, where components are located, basic troubleshooting,
maintenance, and mechanical service operations
Other Reference Manuals and Information Sources
Document Name
Document Type
Instructions for Use
Operator’s Manual
Parts List
Parts List
Parts And Service
Repairs should be performed by an Authorized Advance Service Center that employs factory-trained service
personnel and maintains an inventory of Advance original replacement parts and accessories
Call the Advance Dealer named below for repair parts or service Please specify the Model Number (same as
the Part Number) and Serial Number when discussing your machine