The MVC 100 offers a number of improvements over other volume controls:
• Interchangeable Decora-style inserts for fast, easy color change. Inserts and knobs (sold separately) are available
in a variety of colors.
• A universal impedance-magnifying design enables the MVC 100 to act as both a stereo and an impedance mag-
nifying volume control. You can magnify the speakers’ impedance by a factor of two, four, or eight.
• Unlike other impedance-matching volume-control products, Niles IM volume controls maintain a 12-position
adjustment regardless of how much impedance magnification you use, with total attenuation >48dB.
• Pop-free switching between all steps.
• Precision autoformers provide superior sonic performance, exceeding the audio quality of non-impedance magni-
fying volume controls.
• Isolated left and right-channel grounds ensure safety with any amplifier.
• May be used with 4-, 6-, or 8-ohm speaker systems.
• Automuting fuction enabled by 12VDC.
• Programmable to turn on with muting engaged or disabled.
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