Let's share the memories while
they are still fresh
Shooting still images and movies becomes significantly more fun and enjoyable when
you can share your feeling of the moment you experience them. You can use Nikon's
my Picturetown as your personal online album to store and organize your still images
and movies, and share them with your friends and family all around the world. Membership is
free and permits storage of up to 2 GB of photos and/or movies. And with an additional
paid registration, you can expand your capacity of the storage memory to 200GB. The service
is compatible with JPEG files, as well as RAW (NEF, NRW) files and HD movies ( MOV,
AVI ). You can also share your f a v o r i t e i m a g e s c a p t u r e d w i t h N i k o n 1 < O n e > ' s
unique Motion Snapshot and Smart Phone Selector functions on my Picturetown.
Sharing and storing your images with my Picturetown
y Pict
d enjoyable
them. You can use Nikon's
M o r e t o d i s c o v e r , m o r e t o c r e a t e ,
a n d m o r e t o s h a r e t o g e t h e r .
my Picturetown / ViewNX 2 / Short Movie Creator
Now captured images have the potential
to become even more exquisite
Is there a disorganized array of photographs and movies on your PC? Managing
photographs and movies you have taken can be fun and easy when you use the accessory
software, ViewNX 2. You can import, view, edit and share your images with this single
software. Not only will you be able to rotate and change file sizes, you will also be able
to adjust the brightness, crop, correct tilting, create RAW images, edit HD movies,
and plot shots with GPS data. You can even create your very own original movie in HD quality,
and enjoy new tools of creative expression, including the Motion Snapshot and
Smart Photo Selector, to your heart’s content.
Your Imaging Toolbox - ViewNX 2
The Short Movie Creator shares the joy of editing movies by making it fun and easy for all.
Simply install the Short Movie Creator software included with the camera onto your PC.
All you have to do next is choose the desired visual effects and music. The software will
automatically edit the selected scenes so you can create remarkable, original videos in
minutes. Select your favorite scene and the software will build the movie around it to
suit your preferences. You can also easily upload and share the movies you created on
YouTube™ and other video sharing websites. If you want to watch these movies on your
camera's LCD monitor, you can transfer them onto the memory card. By using the software
together with the ViewNX 2, you can fully enjoy your special moments as still images,
movies, and as Motion Snapshots to the absolute fullest.
Create your own feature film
by simply dragging and dropping
Movie Editing Software - Short Movie Creator
* YouTube™ is a trademark of YouTube, LLC.
Not only have we developed a wide range of functions that let you capture stunning photographs
and movies, we also designed tools that enable you to enjoy and share them.
With the ViewNX 2 and Short Movie Creator, you can view and edit the photographs
and movies you have captured. Nikon's my Picturetown lets you share your unique creations
with your friends and family. The fun and joy of creating photographs
and movies that keep on giving can be yours.