Preferences— Nikon Color Management
The “RGB” Tab
The “RGB” tab is used to select a color-space profi le for the
cal i brat ed RGB color model. The profi le used can be se lect ed
from the
Color space
Each of the pro fi les listed may be classifi ed according to its
gam ma value and gamut.
is a fundamental char-
ac ter is tic of im ag ing systems which determines the intensity
of the output sig nal relative to the input; in human terms,
gamma controls the subjective brightness of images through
al ter ations to the out
put level for mid-tones. Win
and Macintosh systems pro
cess video signals dif
fer ent ly,
and these differences are re fl ect ed in the difference in the
standard gam ma values for these plat forms. The default
system gamma for Macintosh computers is 1.8, the
de facto
standard for Win dows systems, 2.2. Nikon CMS includes
eight RGB pro fi les with a Windows gamma of 2.2 (sRGB,
Bruce RGB, NTSC [1953], Adobe RGB [1988], CIE RGB, Wide
Gamut RGB, compensated Wide Gamut RGB, and Scanner
RGB), and three profi les with a gam ma val ue of 1.8 (Apple
RGB, ColorMatch RGB, and compensated Apple RGB), for
use on the Macintosh. When scan ning im ag es, choose a
profi le with a gam ma value suited to the sys tem on which
the image will be edited.