Preferences— Nikon Color Management
Macintosh Profi les (Gamma 1.8)
Apple RGB
This profi le is used in desk-top publishing applications and
in Adobe Photoshop ver sions 4.0 or earlier, and is the typical
RGB profi le for Macintosh monitors. The corresponding RGB
set ting in Photoshop 5.0 is “Apple RGB.” This profi le is suit-
able for work ing with images dis played on the Macintosh.
ColorMatch RGB
The ColorMatch profi le is native to Radius PressView mon-
i tors. It has a wider gamut than Apple RGB, with a par tic u-
lar ly wide area devoted to the reproduction of blues. The
cor re spond ing RGB setting in Photoshop 5.0 is “Color Match
Apple RGB (compensated)
This profi le defi nes tristimulus (red, green, and blue) chro ma -
tic i ty as the intersection of the curve that marks the limits of
the visible gamut with lines drawn from the Apple RGB white
point and pass ing through the points that defi ne tri stimulus
chro ma tic i ty in the Apple RGB color-space profi le. This pro-
fi le is unique in that it preserves the characteristics of Apple
RGB while al low ing more sat u rat ed colors. It is not pro vid ed
in the stan dard install of Photoshop 5.0, but can be selected
as the RGB color-space profi le for Photoshop by im port ing
the profi le “NKApple_CPS.icm”.