How Night Vision Works
Light coming into the device from the direction of the object is gathered by the objective lens
and focused onto the Image Intensifier Tubes.
The front of the Image Intensifier Tubes contain a photocathode which converts light into electrons.
The device contains a very high voltage power supply, which converts the 3 volts supplied by
the batteries into 17 kilovolts.
The high voltage hurls the electrons into the phosphorous screens. The phosphorous screens
illuminate with an image when struck by electrons. The eyepiece optic then focuses the
phosphorous screen images to your eye.
Unit may require several seconds after power-on for image to appear. This is normal.
Focus Problems
Try in lighted environment with lens caps on.
Are you able to focus the eyepieces?
• YES - Use in dark with lens caps off but do not rotate eyepieces after they have been
adjusted to our eyesight.
• NO - Call our Customer Service Line
NOTE: Model # NONB2FF does not focus on objects closer than 17 feet
Unit does not turn on.
Indicator lights do not illuminate when button is pressed.
• Check to see if batteries are installed correctly
• If indicator lights illuminate but no image appears, the intensifier tube may be damaged
Image is too dark
• Use the Infrared (IR) Illuminator
• Take off the lens caps
Projected image is dim.
• Batteries are low – insert new batteries
When the power is turned OFF, the image will not immediately disappear. It will remain
visible for up to several minutes as the tube discharges. The discharge (fading of image)
will be faster in higher light environments, slower in the dark.
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