SD Series
Operating & Safety Instructions
USA 10/12
A structural inspection is required to verify the structural integrity of critical components of the aerial
platform and for its stability as originally manufactured in accordance with the Standard in effect at the
time of manufacture.
It shall be performed
years after the date of manufacture and every
years thereafter or after any
actual, suspected, or potential damage is sustained during an incident that could potentially affect the
structural integrity or stability of the aerial platform. Such incidents can include electrical contact,
shock loads, fall arrest, collision, or cases of overstressing or stability failure; and after a change of
ownership, unless a complete service history is provided, including maintenance and inspection
The structural inspection shall be carried out under the direction of a professional engineer and must;
a) consider the service history of the aerial platform in terms of hours of service, severity and number
and variability of users;
b) review the inspection and maintenance record of the aerial platform;
c) verify the effectiveness of all operating controls;
d) perform a visual inspection of the aerial platform; and
e) consider recommendations of the manufacturer relevant to the aerial platform, including
manufacturer’s safety bulletins.
The structural inspection should use some or all of the following methods;
a) visual inspection of structural welds;
b) non-destructive testing of critical components; and
c) stability tests where modification, alteration, or damage is suspected.
Visual weld inspection shall be performed and documented by a person qualified to the requirements of
CSA W178.2 or by other persons qualified to the satisfaction of the authority having jurisdiction.
Critical, suspect areas and other inconsistencies identified shall be further examined by an appropriate
non-destructive test method by a person(s) qualified to the requirements of CAN/CGSB-48.9712.