TM Series
Operating & Safety Instructions
USA – 05/11
Issue 01
All Niftylift Trailer Mounts are limited to operation as previously described and any slopes must be
adjusted by use of the outriggers and jacks. Unless specifically configured otherwise, the machine will
have short time rating for operation in extreme temperatures, i.e. reduced battery cycle times for low
temperatures such as freezers, food storage etc. and cooling limitations for high temperatures as oil
temperature must remain between -23° and 93° Celsius.
Extended operation in dusty environments is not recommended and frequent cleaning will be necessary.
All dust, dirt, salt encrustation, excess oil or grease should be removed. Deposits of paint or bitumen,
particularly on legends or labels should also be removed.
All standard Niftylift machines are rated for a wind speed of 12.5 m/s, which equates to 28mph or
force 6 on the Beaufort scale. No attempt should be made to operate a Niftylift in wind strengths above
this limit and if the operator has any doubts over the wind speed he / she should cease operation
immediately until it can be established that the wind speed has fallen to a safe level.
The airborne noise emission on the TM34T range of machines does not exceed 73dB(A), measured at
a perpendicular distance of 14 feet, under equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure test
conditions. This was based on a Diesel powered machine, working under load. All other models will
exhibit significantly lower emissions than this figure, dependant on power option.
In normal operation the Vibration level to which the operator is subjected will not exceed a weighted
root mean square acceleration value of 2.5 m/s
All Niftylift machine models are subjected to a comprehensive ‘type test’ which duplicates all
combinations of safe working load (SWL), overload, windage, inertia and pull force to assess the
various safe stability criteria. Self propelled machines are also subjected to kerb and braking tests at
the SWL to satisfy additional ‘worse case’ stability requirements.
Each individual machine is then subjected to static overload tests on flat level ground with 150% of the
SWL, exceeding the requirements of EN280 for power operated MEWPs. Self propelled machines are
also tested at the maximum working angle
0.5º with a test load of 125% of the SWL. Finally, on all
machines, a functional test is performed with 110% of SWL.
All safety devices are checked for correct operation, operating speeds are checked against benchmark
figures and the dynamic functions ensure that all acceleration and deceleration forces are within
acceptable limits. All noted defects are rectified and recorded before the machine is permitted to enter
into service.