4. Secure the bracket to the motor by tightening the bracket mounting screw.
The motor must be securely fastened to minimize noise and prevent vibration. Ensure the belly-band
legs cannot be moved. For secure mounting, use high-quality bolts of the largest possible diameter.
STEP 6: Install the Replacement Motor in the Air Handling Unit
1. Insert the motor shaft into the blower wheel, securing the motor to the blower housing.
2. Align the blower wheel so it is properly centered in the blower housing. Then, align
to the flat of the motor shaft.
3. Secure the blower wheel to the motor shaft by tightening the set screw to a torque setting of
157 in-lbs
STEP 7: Reinstall the Blower Assembly in the HVAC System
2. Connect the furnace wiring harness to the replacement motor.