3.1.14) 14 CHANGE t TIMER [
Serves to change the time interval of the timer when memory
is used in a receiver with the timer function active.
After confirming the function the message "Time:" will be displayed followed by the current timer value; the time is
displayed in the format “h” hours, “mm” minutes (tens and units) “ss” seconds (tens and units). The maximum time
that the receiver can administrate is 2 hours 22 minutes, 36 seconds.
3.1.8) 8 WRITE MEMORY [
This function serves to write the codes present in the internal memory (Buffer) to the memory plugged into connec-
, thereby making a copy.
The Buffer must be previously "loaded" with the codes to be copied by means of the READ MEMORY function per-
formed on the source memory.
3.1.9) 9 CANCEL BUFFER [
Serves to delete the codes present in the internal memory, thereby freeing it for subsequent READ MEMORY func-
tions. After launching the function the following message will be displayed: “Are you sure?” prompting for a second
confirmation; this procedure is necessary because the operation is irreversible. If you effectively wish to clear the
buffer, press the “
Enter” key again at the prompt.
3.1.10) 10 LOCK MEMORY [
Applies a codes acquisition functions lock when the memory present in connector
is inserted in a receiver. In prac-
tice, a receiver with a "Locked" memory does not execute any form of code acquisition, restricting its operation exclu-
sively to the codes that have been previously input without allowing any new codes to be entered (see also the spe-
cific instructions in the receivers). Warning: The “Lock” is active when the memory is inserted in its receiver; the addi-
tion of codes directly from BUPC by means of the ADD CODES function is still possible
3.1.11) 11 UNLOCK MEMORY [
Removes the codes acquisition functions lock when the memory present in connector
is to be inserted in a receiv-
er. This function is the exact opposite of the LOCK MEMORY function.
3.1.12) 12 INSERT PASSWORD [
This function serves to enter a password to access data in the memory plugged into connector
. The “Password”
is a 6 digit number that serves to restrict access to the contents of the memory exclusively to authorised operators.
Once it has been inserted, the password will be requested whenever data and codes contained in the memory card
are to be displayed or edited for the first time by means of the BUPC programming unit. The Password inhibits also
all modifications to data contained in the memory card once it has been inserted in the receiver; in practice, a receiv-
er with a memory of this type will not be able to perform the acquisition procedure, to delete a code or to delete all
the codes.
3.1.13) 13 REMOVE PASSWORD [
This function serves to remove the password for access to data contained in the memory plugged into connector
This function is the opposite of the INSERT PASSWORD function.