Buff er tank with coil
UKVS 20-300/1000
1.1 Introducti on
Thank you for your confi dence and choice of equipment by
NIBE. To fully benefi t from the advantages of this product, ple-
ase read this Manual before using it, and in parti cular chap-
ters relati ng to the applicati on, installati on and maintenance,
and warranty. Please keep this Manual in a safe place for fu-
ture reference.
1.2 Intended Use
Buff er tanks with coil can be used for storage and transfer of
energy contained in the heati ng medium. The accumulated
energy is transferred to the heati ng system. The coil can re-
ceive heat from a separate heati ng system. Buff er tanks can
operate with a variety of heat sources in central heati ng sys-
tems such as heat pumps, solid fuel boilers, solar heati ng sys-
tems, etc.
When used in the system containing a solid fuel-fi red boiler,
the buff er tank allows uniform heat removal for a longer pe-
riod of operati on of the boiler, which reduces the amount of
fi re ups and additi onally enables the boiler operati on at the
design power rati ng. This also enhances the effi ciency and
life of the boiler. NIBE buff er can operate with virtually any
central heati ng system. During the installati on and operati on,
always follow the instructi ons given in this Manual.
Secti ons of the Manual relati ng to the installati on, in-
specti on and maintenance are intended for the quali-
fi ed installer.
The manufacturer shall not be held liable for any da-
mages caused by failure to comply with the recommen-
dati ons and observati ons contained in this Manual.
Buff er tanks are designed to heat up and supply water
for domesti c purposes. Any inappropriate use, not in
compliance with its intended use is not permitt ed. Ne-
ither manufacturer nor supplier shall be responsible for
damages resulti ng from this.
Fig. 1
UKVS 20-300/500 buff er tank.
Fig. 2
UKVS 20-750/1000 buff er tank.