NGS powerpump 5000 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 3




1.  Please connect the mobile charger using the USB cable 

supplied via the micro USB port to a AC adaptor, Car 

charger, PC, Laptop or other USB device.

2. Charging will start automatically.

3. The battery level indicator will show you the level of 

battery as below.

  1 LED flashing: less than 20%
  1 LED stay on without flashing: 21%-40%
  2 LEDs: 41%-60%
  3 LEDs: 61%-80%
  4 LEDs: 81%-100%
4. When all 5 lights stay on without flashing, the battery is 

fully charged.


 Over-charge protection will prevents damage to the 

internal battery.

Содержание powerpump 5000

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