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F156.6 / F156.6A
Carefully read personal and machine SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (at the beginning of this manual)
Standard operation
Avoid any operational mode that might be prejudicial
to safety.
Before beginning work, familiarize yourself with the
surroundings and circumstances of the site, such as
obstacles in the working and travelling area, the soil
bearing capacity and any barriers separating the con-
struction site from public roads.
Take the necessary precautions to ensure that the
machine is used only when in a safe and reliable
Operate the machine only if all protective and safety-
oriented devices, such as removable safety devices,
emergency shut-off equipment, soundproofing ele-
ments and exhausters, are in place and fully func-
Check the machine at least once per working shift
for obvious damage and defects. Report any
changes (incl. changes in the machine’s working be-
haviour) to the competent organization/person im-
mediately. If necessary, stop the machine
immediately and lock it.
In the event of malfunctions, stop the machine im-
mediately and lock it. Have any defects rectified im-
Start the machine from the driver’s seat only.
During start-up and shut-down procedures always
watch the indicators in accordance with the operating
Before setting the machine in motion, make sure that
nobody is at risk.
Before starting work or travelling with the machine,
check that the braking, steering, signalling and
lighting systems are fully functional.
Before setting the machine in motion always check
that the accessories have been safely stowed away.
When travelling on public roads, ways and places
always observe the valid traffic regulations and, if
necessary, make sure beforehand that the machine
is in a condition compatible with these regulations.
In conditions of poor visibility and after dark always
switch on the lighting system.
Persons accompanying the driver must be seated on
the passenger seats provided for this purpose.
When crossing underpasses, bridges and tunnels or
when passing under overhead lines always make
sure that there is sufficient clearance.
Always keep at a distance from the edges of building
pits and slopes.
Avoid any operation that might be a risk to machine
Never travel across slopes; always keep the working
equipment and the load close to the ground, espe-
cially when travelling downhill.
On sloping terrain always adapt your travelling speed
to the prevailing ground conditions. Never change to
a lower gear on a slope but always before reaching it.
Before leaving the driver’s seat always secure the
machine against inadvertent movement and unau-
thorized use. Stop the engine.