The ±200 V outputs (nominally ±212 V) are
designed to be used as bias voltages for electro-
optic modulators or piezo-electric transducers.
They are current limited at DC (with 2-mA maxi-
mum DC out), but at higher frequencies act as an
AC return.
The front-panel BNC inputs can be used indepen-
dently or together in a summing configuration.
The input resistance is 5.75 k
and the output
resistance is 25
. The total gain from input to
output is +40 and the maximum output voltage is
200 V. The maximum input voltage is therefore
±5 V for linear operation.
The absolute maxi-
mum voltage at Input 1 and Input 2 with-
out damage is ±10 V peak.
The high-voltage operational amplifier in the
Model 3211 can be permanently damaged if ther-
mally stressed. Thermal stress occurs only if the
unit is operated well into its current-limited mode
for at least 5–10 minutes; the unit is adequately
protected for all other conditions. To avoid the pos-
sibility of overheating the amplifier and reducing
its lifetime, you should ensure that it doesn’t oper-
ate in the current-limited mode for more than a
couple of minutes. The amplifier will operate in
this mode under certain combinations of peak
voltage, frequency, and load capacitance. Please
refer to the Appendix 1: Bandwidth Limitations for
a discussion on calculating the frequency at which
current limiting occurs given the load capacitance
and the signal’s peak voltage.