Problem Cause Solution
Scoreboard will not turn ON when control
is turned ON
Control continues to search after an
unusually long time
Data won’t change on control
Control display shows incorrect
Receiver not
Check LED status indicator on receiver
(on solid = power, blinking when key is
pressed on control = has signal I/O)
Restore power to
Control signal weak
Check signal
strength (see
Options menu)
Battery level low
Replace batteries
Control in a poor
Make sure the control is in clear line of
sight of the scoreboard
Move closer to scoreboard
Control is linked to extra unwanted receivers
or wanted receivers are not powered ON.
Use the Options Menu to check the
number of receivers the control is linked
to and the number of receivers on its
Control is not linked to this scoreboard
Find and use the control for this
Link the control to this scoreboard or
group (see Options Menu)
Didn’t sync up
Power control OFF, then ON
Control is ON but scoreboard is OFF (data
is changing on control)
No power to scoreboard
Check all switches, breakers, and fuses
Bad connection between Receiver and
scoreboard module
Check all cables and connections
Scoreboard is ON but does not respond to
the control
Control and receiver are not communicating
Turn control OFF, then ON to establish
Cannot operate scoreboard with my control
(Scoreboard is on, 1
control has left area)
Scoreboard was left with security ON
Cycle power to receiver
I cannot set the time
The time is running
Stop the time first
Cannot turn the time ON
Time at 0.0 and set to count down
Set some time on the clock or change
timer direction to UP count
Scoreboard is displaying data in the wrong
Control is not configured for correct
scoreboard model series
Verify your scoreboard model, and from
the Options Menu, select “Enter Code to
Change Settings”. Enter the code and
select the “Scoreboard Model” option.
Use the “+” key to view and select the
correct scoreboard model series. (See
Options Menu section for list of
Home Shots & Guest Shots are reversed on
scoreboard (7500A or 7500B series)
Horn sounds about 1 second after timer
counts down to zero
Scoreboard is ON – Control is OFF
Batteries were removed while scoreboard
Install batteries -- power ON then OFF
Cycle power at scoreboard
Only one control of a multi-control
scoreboard system will operate the
One or more of the controls has its Security
set to “(+)ON”
Set the Security of ALL controls used in
a multi-control system to “(-)OFF” (See
the Options Menu)