power jack pin 1 (+5V) to
PCB pin 2
power jack pin 2 (GND) to
PCB pin 3
Audio Output
Solder 2 wires to the audio
output jack. (Your kit either
has a 3-pin or 2-pin jack, see
pictures.) The wires go to the
header J1 on the PCB as follows:
audio jack tip (signal) to
PCB pin 1
audio jack sleeve (GND) to
PCB pin 4
(Almost) Done!
Connect the USB power cable and turn the device on by flipping the
power switch down. If everything is working, the only tasks left are
to put the knurled washers and nuts back onto the switches, the
washers, nuts and knobs onto the pots and finally to secure the panel
to the case using the 4 screws.
Now go create some noise!
If you need help or want to share photos, audio and/or video of your
creations (please do), send a message to