Adding Route to Windows so Link Local
Devices Can be Accessed
You only need to be concerned about this if you have not installed Bonjour for Windows.
Windows supports Link Local (LL) addressing. If you are connected to a network and an IP address
cannot be obtained manually or automatically (via DHCP), Windows will choose a LL address. These
addresses are in the form 169.254.x.y, where x.y are randomly chosen numbers such that they are
unique on the network. While Windows is using the LL address it maintains a route to the LL address
subnet. This means that it can communicate with LL devices such as iViewHD.
In most cases once Windows obtains an IP address via DHCP, iViewHD will also obtain a DHCP ad-
dress and accessing the device is not an issue. There may be cases, however, where the DHCP
server does not assign an IP address to iViewHD. This can occur when DHCP has been disabled in
iViewHD or the DHCP server
s IP address allocation rules prevent an address from being assigned.
In these cases, iViewHD can only be accessed via its LL address.
Unfortunately, once Windows obtains a non LL address (either manually or through DHCP), it re-
moves its route to the LL address subnet. This has the effect of not being able to communicate with
devices which are addressed only through 169.254.x.y. The easiest way around this is to add a route
to the LL subnet so that Windows knows where to send packets that are addressed to LL devices.
This may be accomplished by running CMD.EXE and typing ROUTE PRINT
You will need the interface IP address under the “Interface” column - the one with a “Destination” of In this example it is
Type the following command substituting your interface IP address for
This will add a route so that link local devices can be accessed. You will need to do this every time
the computer is rebooted, unless you make the route permanent by typing
iViewHD User
s Manual
36 © 2009 NetMedia, Inc.