Connections Setup
MoCA 2.0 N600 WiFi Bridge/Extender WM2500RP
Setup > IP Address Setup
Enter the following settings for the IP address and DNS server:
Internet IP Address
Get Dynamically from ISP
. Your ISP uses DHCP to assign your IP address. Your
ISP automatically assigns these addresses.
Use Static IP Address
. Enter the IP address, IP subnet mask, and the gateway IP
address that your ISP assigned to you. The gateway is the ISP router to which
your WiFi bridge/extender should connect.
Domain Name Server (DNS) Address
. The DNS server is used to look up site
addresses based on their names. Select one of the following radio buttons:
Get Automatically from ISP
. Your ISP uses DHCP to assign your DNS servers.
Your ISP automatically assigns these IP addresses.
Use These DNS Servers
. If you know that your ISP does not automatically
transmit DNS addresses to the WiFi bridge/extender during login, select this radio
button, and enter the IP address of your ISP primary DNS server. If a secondary
DNS server address is available, enter it also.
Click the