Specify an Internet connection that uses a login.......................32
Manage an IPv6 Internet connection...............................................34
Requirements for entering IPv6 addresses.................................34
Specify IPv6 Internet connections................................................34
Use auto detection for an IPv6 Internet connection..................35
Use auto configuration for an IPv6 Internet connection...........36
Set up an IPv6 6to4 tunnel Internet connection.........................38
Set up an IPv6 6rd tunnel Internet connection...........................40
Set up an IPv6 pass-through Internet connection......................42
Set up an IPv6 fixed Internet connection....................................42
Set up an IPv6 DHCP Internet connection..................................44
Set up an IPv6 PPPoE Internet connection..................................46
Change the MTU size.........................................................................48
Chapter 4 Control Access to the Internet
Manage MAC access control lists for WiFi networks and the LAN.51
Enable a MAC ACL for a specific network..................................52
Add automatically detected devices to a MAC ACL.................53
Manually add, remove, or change the information for a device
on a MAC ACL................................................................................54
Disable a MAC ACL for a specific network.................................55
Manage the Orbi network access control list..................................56
Enable the network access control list and specify the access
Manage the allowed devices on the network access control
Manage the blocked devices on the network access control
Use keywords to block Internet sites...............................................61
Delete keywords that are used to block Internet sites...................62
Prevent blocking on a trusted computer.........................................63
Block services from the Internet.......................................................64
Schedule when to block Internet sites and services......................65
Set up security event email notifications.........................................66
Chapter 5 Manage the LAN, WAN, and WiFi Settings
View or change WAN settings..........................................................69
Manage Dynamic DNS.......................................................................70
Set up a new Dynamic DNS account...........................................71
Specify a DNS account that you already created.......................72
Change the Dynamic DNS settings.............................................73
Set up a default DMZ server..............................................................73
Change the router’s device name....................................................74
Change the LAN TCP/IP settings......................................................75
Orbi Pro Router Model SRR60 and Orbi Pro Satellite Model SRS60