11. Click OK > Next > Finish.
12. Follow the prompts to install the certificate.
Note: If you enter your router’s default IP address ( instead of
www.routerlogin.net, Chrome still displays a warning message when you log in. The
reason is that the certificate that you installed corresponds only to the
www.routerlogin.net domain name, not to the IP address.
Apple Safari: add a security exception
To access the router web interface with Apple Safari and add a security exception:
1. Launch Safari from a computer or mobile device that is connected to the router
2. Enter http://www.routerlogin.net.
A security warning displays saying that your connection is not private.
3. Click Show Details > visit this website.
You are prompted to decide if you want to proceed.
4. Click Visit Website.
5. Enter your Mac user name and password and click Update Settings.
Mozilla Firefox: add a security exception
To access the router web interface with Mozilla Firefox and add a security exception:
1. Launch Firefox a from a computer or mobile device that is connected to the router
2. Enter http://www.routerlogin.net.
A security warning displays.
3. Click Advanced > View Certificate.
A login window opens.
4. Select the Details tab.
5. Click Export.
6. Navigate to a location where you want to save the certificate and click Save.
7. Navigate to the same location and double-click the certificate.
8. Click Install Certificate...
User Manual
Nighthawk AC2300 Cybersecurity WiFi Router Model RS400