Advanced Configuration
Wireless N150 Access Point WN604
The advanced Wireless Settings screen displays:,
Enter the appropriate information. The fields are described in the following section.
so that your changes take effect.
Advanced Wireless Settings Screen Fields
RTS Threshold (0-2347)
. Request to Send Threshold. The packet size that is used to
determine if it should use the CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision
Detection) mechanism or the CSMA/CA mechanism for packet transmission. With the
CSMA/CD transmission mechanism, the transmitting station sends out the actual packet as
soon as it has waited for the silence period. With the CSMA/CA transmission mechanism, the
transmitting station sends out an RTS packet to the receiving station, and waits for the
receiving station to send back a CTS (Clear to Send) packet before sending the actual packet
data. The default is 2347.
Fragmentation Length (256-2346)
. This is the maximum packet size used for
fragmentation. Packets larger than the size programmed in this field are fragmented. The
fragmentation threshold value has to be larger than the RTS threshold value. The default is
Beacon Interval (100-1000)
. The beacon interval specifies the time in milleseconds between
100 and 1000 transmissions, which allows the access point to synchronize the wireless
network. The default is 100.
Aggregation Length (1024-65535) (11ng)
. The aggregation length defines the size of
aggregated packets. Larger aggregation lengths might sometimes lead to better network
performance. The default is 65535.
A-MPDU (11ng)
. Aggregated MAC protocol data unit. Aggregates several MAC frames into a
single large frame to achieve higher throughput. The default is Enable.