If you did not select the Remember me check box when you logged in previously, enter the modem
password in the Sign In field.
See the modem label for the default password.
Click the Sign In button.
The full Dashboard page displays.
Select Settings > Mobile > SIM Security.
Click the Disable button.
In the SIM PIN field, enter the PIN.
You are allowed only a limited number of attempts to enter the correct PIN. If you run out of available
attempts, the SIM card is blocked. The number of allowed attempts depends on the SIM card. If the
SIM card is blocked, contact your mobile broadband service provider to receive a PIN unlock key (PUK)
to unblock the PIN.
Click the Submit button.
You settings are saved. Now when you turn on the modem, you no longer need to enter the SIM PIN
before the modem can access the mobile broadband network.
Secure Your Network
LTE Modem LB1120 and LB1121