If you already set up the extender but can no longer connect to it over WiFi, check to see if the Client
Link LED is off.
If you cannot get a WiFi connection working, you can use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer
to the extender.
Cannot Join a WiFi Network and Receive an Error Message
To join a WiFi network, you must know its network name (also called the SSID) so that you can select it. If
the network is secure, you must know the passphrase or key. If the extender does not connect to the network
that you select, the cause might be one of the following:
It is possible that you typed the network name, passphrase, or key incorrectly. Use Smart Setup (see
on page 18) to select a WiFi network and retype the passphrase or key.
The passphrase or key is case-sensitive. For example, PASSWORD25 is not the same as Password25
or password25.
If the extender cannot detect your WiFi network, check to see if your WiFi network is still working. Make
sure that the WiFi router is turned on. If possible, move the extender closer to the WiFi router.
If the extender Device Link LED is red, the WiFi connection between the WiFi router and the extender
is poor. You can establish the best connection with a clear line of sight between the extender and the
WiFi router. Make sure that no physical obstacles exist between the extender and the WiFi router, and
try to move the extender closer to the WiFi router.
If you use Smart Setup, and the extender does not connect to the WiFi router, does not connect to the
Internet, or cannot get an IP address from the WiFi router, Smart Setup displays a message to notify you
that the extender is not configured.
To run Smart Setup again, click the YES button. To manually configure the extender, click the NO,
Cannot Access mywifiext.net
When you try to access
to set up your extender, you might receive an error message
that says you are not connected to the extender's WiFi network. This website is not a regular Internet website.
It is a local web address used to log in to the extender web interface and view the extender’s settings.
Your computer or mobile device must be connected to your extender network to access
Try these troubleshooting tips to connect to
If you’re trying to access
for the first time to set up your extender, see
the NETGEAR Installation Assistant
on page 14 and follow the instructions.
After you connect your computer or mobile device to the extender network, make sure that the extender’s
Client Link LED is solid white.
If the Client Link LED is not lit, open your computer’s or mobile device’s WiFi connection manager and
make sure that your device is still connected to the extender network.
Launch a web browser and enter the extender’s default IP address, which is
FAQs and Troubleshooting
Nighthawk X6 AC2200 Tri-Band WiFi Range Extender