NetComm Wireless VDSL/ADSL Dual Band AC1200 WiFi Gigabit Modem Router with VoIP
UM-00019 v1.0
A Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Host is a computer without the protection of a firewall. It allows that particular computer unrestricted 2-
way communication to the internet. It is mostly used for Hosting servers, Internet games, Video conferencing, Internet telephony
and other special applications. When enabled, all packets sent to the router are forwarded to the DMZ Host IP Address.
To configure DMZ:
Check the Enable button for the DMZ Host option.
In the DMZ Host IP Address field, enter the IP Address of the DMZ Host that all packets will be forwarded to. (Ensure IP
Address is reserved or static before DMZ will work)
Click the Apply Changes button.
IP/Port Filtering
The IP/Port filtering page allows you to configure rules to deny or allow specific services or applications through the router firewall.
Refer to the table below for a description of each field.
Outgoing Default Action
Specifies the default action on the LAN to WAN forwarding path.
Incoming Default Action
Specifies the default action on the WAN to LAN forwarding path.
The direction of the traffic rule.
Select the desired protocol option. Available options are TCP, UDP and ICMP.
Rule Action
Deny or allow traffic when matching this rule.
Source IP Address
The source IP address assigned to the traffic for which filtering is applied.
Source Subnet Mask
The Subnet mask of the source IP.
Source Port
Starting and ending source port numbers.
Destination IP Address
The destination IP address assigned to the traffic for which filtering is applied.
Destination Subnet Mask
The Subnet mask of the destination IP.
Destination Port
Starting and ending destination port numbers.