b. Slide the drive out of the shelf using the cam handle and supporting the drive with your other hand.
5. Wait a minimum of 70 seconds before inserting the replacement drive.
This allows the system to recognize that a drive was removed.
6. Insert the replacement drive:
a. With the cam handle in the open position, use both hands to insert the replacement drive.
b. Push until the drive stops.
c. Close the cam handle so that the drive is fully seated into the mid plane and the handle clicks into
Be sure to close the cam handle slowly so that it aligns correctly with the face of the drive.
7. Verify that the drive’s activity (green) LED is illuminated.
When the drive’s activity LED is solid, it means that the drive has power. When the drive’s activity LED is
blinking, it means that the drive has power and I/O is in progress. If the drive firmware is automatically
updating, the LED blinks.
8. If you are replacing another drive, repeat steps 3 through step 7.
9. If you disabled automatic drive assignment in step 1, manually assign drive ownership, and then reenable
automatic drive assignment if needed:
a. Display all unowned drives:
storage disk show -container-type unassigned
You can enter the command on either controller module.
b. Assign each drive:
storage disk assign -disk disk_name -owner owner_name
You can enter the command on either controller module.
You can use the wildcard character to assign more than one drive at once.
c. Reenable automatic drive assignment if needed:
storage disk option modify -node
node_name -autoassign on
You must reenable automatic drive assignment on both controller modules.
Replace a fan - NS224 shelves
You can replace a failed fan nondisruptively in an NS224 drive shelf that is powered on,
and while I/O is in progress.
Before you begin
• The shelf’s partner NSM module must be up and running, and be cabled correctly so that your shelf
maintains connectivity when you remove the NSM module with the failed FRU (target NSM module).
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• All other components in the system, including the other four fans, must be functioning properly.