If the system-level diagnostics
Were completed without any
a. Clear the status logs:
sldiag device clearstatus
b. Verify that the log was cleared:
sldiag device status
The following default response is displayed:
SLDIAG: No log messages are present.
c. Exit Maintenance mode:
The system displays the LOADER prompt.
You have completed system-level diagnostics.
Resulted in some test failures
Determine the cause of the problem.
a. Exit Maintenance mode:
b. Perform a clean shutdown, and then disconnect the power
c. Verify that you have observed all of the considerations identified
for running system-level diagnostics, that cables are securely
connected, and that hardware components are properly installed
in the storage system.
d. Reconnect the power supplies, and then power on the storage
e. Rerun the system-level diagnostics test.
Recable the system and reassign disks - AFF A220 and FAS2700
To complete the replacement procedure and restore your system to full operation, you
must recable the storage, confirm disk reassignment, restore the NetApp Storage
Encryption configuration (if necessary), and install licenses for the new controller. You
must complete a series of tasks before restoring your system to full operation.
Step 1: Recable the system
After running diagnostics, you must recable the controller module’s storage and network connections.
1. Recable the system.
2. Verify that the cabling is correct by using
a. Download and install Config Advisor.
b. Enter the information for the target system, and then click Collect Data.