1 Lb. sliced meat
1 Cup teriyaki sauce
1 tsp. minced garlic
1 Packet NESCO
/American Harvest
Teriyaki jerky seasoning.
1 Packet jerky cure2
1/4 Cup water
In bowl, mix all ingredients except meat. Add slices and marinate at least four hours in
refrigerator. Remove slices from marinade and let excess drip off, then place on
sheets on dehydrator trays. Be sure strips do not overlap. Dry.
Drying Meat
Meats should be dried at 160
F (71
C). Depending on how thick the meat is cut, how
heavily the dryer is loaded, and the humidity, jerky takes from 4 to 15 hours to dry.
Pat jerky with clean paper towels several times as it dries, to remove the oil that
accumulates on the top of the jerky. When removing jerky from dehydrator trays,
wrap it in paper towels and let it stand for a couple hours prior to packaging. Excess
fat will be absorbed in the paper towels and the shelf life will be extended.
Beef jerky that is stored un-refrigerated will start to go rancid at room temperature
after 3 to 4 weeks. Refrigerate or freeze for longer storage or until your are ready to
go on a trip or camping. If any ice crystals have formed inside bag, re-package in a
dry container. If jerky is dried thoroughly, it will last for several weeks in the outdoors
or while traveling. All types of jerky must be dried sufficiently to avoid mold. If mold is
found inside a storage bag of jerky, the whole container must be thrown away.
Drying Cooked Meats
If you are drying meats for other purposes than jerky such as for stew, sandwich
spreads or stroganoff, the meat should be tender and choice. It must be cooked so it
will not be tough and chewy when reconstituted. Using the remainder of a dinner
roast or leftover steak saves the step of precooking the meat. Dehydrate those
leftovers for snacks, backpacking and camping meals.
The shelf life of dried, cooked meats is 2 to 3 weeks at room temperature. Store in
refrigerator or freezer to maintain the best quality until ready for use for backpacking
or camping. They will stay fresh and tasty for up to 6 months in the freezer.
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