Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration
Priority Classifiers (L2 and PPPoE Service Type)
The Priority Classifier defines the QoS Profiles to be allocated to users/sessions
differentiated by DSCP or 802.1p priority classifiers. Priority Classifiers are not
applicable to Voice Service Profiles.
Each Priority Classifier can define up to 4 uplink and 4 downlink QoS profiles.
DSCP based Priority Classifiers are applicable only to IP or ARP traffic. It is not applicable to
PPPoE and other Ethernet type traffic.
If a Priority Classifier is not applicable for a certain traffic (e.g. DSCP based profile with PPPoE
traffic or 802.1p based profile with traffic that do not use VLAN tags), no prioritization scheme will
be in effect and quality of service will be determined by the first QoS Profile in the applicable lists.
The Priority Classifier menu enables defining new Priority Classifiers, viewing or
editing details of previously defined Priority Classifiers and removing Priority
Classifiers from the database.
The Priority Classifiers database can hold up to 255 Priority Classifiers.
The configurable Priority Classifier’s parameters are: Priority Classifier Name
A Priority Classifier Name consists of up to 32 printable characters. Priority Type
The prioritization mechanism used by the Priority Classifier.
The available options are:
1 – DSCP
2 – 802.1p Uplink Upper Priority Limits
The Uplink Upper Priority Limits parameter enables to define up to four ranges,
where each range may be assigned a different QoS Profile for uplink
communication. The list includes up to 4 numbers separated by commas, where
each number must be higher than its predecessor and the last number must be
the highest available for the applicable priority type (7 for 802.1p, 63 for DSCP).
Examples for acceptable lists:
DSCP Priority: [10,30,50,63]; [21,42,63]; [20,63]; [63].
802.1p Priority: [2,4,6,7]; [1,5,7]; [6,7]; [7].
A ranges list of 21,42,63 means that packets with a priority from 0 to 21 will be
transmitted using the first QoS Profile defined in the Uplink QoS Profiles list (see
below), packets with a priority from 22 to 42 will be transmitted using the second