Universal Wall-Mount Controller
BACnet Communication Module User Guide
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MSV.71 Cfg_BinaryOutput2Ramp
See MSV.70
MSV.72 Cfg_BinaryOutput3Ramp
See MSV.70
MSV.73 Cfg_BinaryOutput4Ramp
If MSV.25 Cfg_FanOperationType is set to 3 speeds, (1) Fan: High speed contact.
Else, see MSV.70.
MSV.74 Cfg_BinaryOutput5Ramp
If MSV.25 Cfg_FanOperationType is set to 3 speeds, (1) Fan: Medium speed contact.
If MSV.25 Cfg_FanOperationType is set to 2 speeds, (1) Fan: High speed contact.
Else, see MSV.70.
MSV.75 Cfg_BinaryOutput6Ramp
If MSV.25 Cfg_FanOperationType is set to 3 speeds, (1) Fan: Low speed contact.
If MSV.25 Cfg_FanOperationType is set to 2 speeds, (1) Fan: Medium speed contact.
If MSV.25 Cfg_FanOperationType is set to 1 speed, (1) Fan: High speed contact.
If MSV.57 Cfg_AnalogOutput2Ramp is set to Fan, see MSV.70.
Present Value
MSV.95 Cfg_DisplayInfo
Configuration value of the information displayed on the controller.
Display Temp Demand
: The TUxB will display the actual temp and cooling/heating demand.
Display Setpoint Demand
: TUxB will display the actual setpoint and cooling/heating demand.
Display Temp
: TUxB will display the actual temp but no demand.
Display Setpoint
: TUxB will display the actual setpoint but no demand.
Display Off
: TUxB display will be off (no display).
Present Value
1 = Temp and demand
2 = Setpoint and demand
3 = Temp only
4 = Setpoint only
5 = Off
PGM.1 ProgramFirmware
Program firmware. Set to LOAD to program the file in application memory. The controller
will be reset and the firmware will be LOADED into the memory. Use only the binary file
provided by Neptronic.
Program Change
Program Change, only LOAD (1) and RESTART (4)
are supported
FIL.1 FirmwareBinaryFile
Firmware binary file. Set to LOAD to program the file in application memory. The controller
will be reset and the firmware will be LOADED into the memory. Use only the binary file
provided by Neptronic.
File Size
File Size is accepted for 0 value only.
SCH.1 OccupancySchedule
Weekly occupancy schedule to specify which occupancy state is active during specific
periods of day. Write to Present Value of MSV.13.
Weekly Schedule
Schedule Default
Priority for Writing
Effective Period
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