Radiator Laser Synthesizer
User Manual
Shape Type
T Star
Throwing Star
Happy Face
Quackers the Duck
Animated Shapes
Shape Type
Rnd Tri
Rotating Triangles in Random Positions
8 dots morphing from Square to Diamond
Exp Cir
Expanding circles in a linear array
Lines 01
4 Radial Lines rotating in place
Pt Circ
4 points counter rotating from center
Pt Swarm
4 groups of points swarming from center
4 lines rotating and forming an X
4 Exp
2 groups of four points expanding and contracting
5 lines
5 Radial lines rotating in and out of center
Exp Cir
5 Expanding circles in a linear array
4 Arcs
4 Arcs Rotating and moving in and out from center
Line Bnc
2 pairs of radial lines from in and out from center
Circ Dnc
4 Circles Square dancing
Pt Cir 01
3 Point Triangle and 6 Point Hexagon counter rotating
Pt Cir 02
4 Point Square and 6 Point Hexagon Rotating and Bouncing
Pt Cir 03
Circle with slowly fading points
Pt Cir 04
2 Point Circles counter rotating with fading points
Pt Cir 05
2 Point Circles counter rotating
Pt Cir 07
2 groups of 4 points moving and changing size
Pt Cir 08
2 point circles rotating and bouncing
Software ver. 1.0 and above - 2020-09-03
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