v04 • 22.05.2017
VIBRATIONS (hand arm vibrations)
WARNING: The actual vibration emission level during the use of the machine
may differ from that indicated in the operating instructions or indicated by
the manufacturer. This may be caused by the following factors to be minded
before and during the use:
• Proper use of the machine
• Correct operating of the machine
• Proper condition of the machine for use
• Use of the correct and sharp cutting tool
• Handles and optional anti-vibration handles properly mounted on the machine body
When you feel uncomfortable or notice discoloration of skin on your hands during the use
of the machine, stop working immediately. Observe sufficient break times to rest.
Failure to have sufficient break times may result in a hand-arm vibration syndrome.
The extent of exposure depending on the type of work or machine use should be
estimated and appropriate breaks taken. In this way, the extent of exposure can be
considerably reduced over the entire work time. Minimise the risk caused by vibrations.
Maintain this machine according to the instructions in the manual.
If you intend to use this machine frequently, contact your local authorised dealer and
purchase anti-vibration accessories if required.
Avoid the use of this machine at temperatures under 10°C. Create a work schedule in
order to minimise vibration exposure.
• Be careful what you do. Behave sensibly when working.
Do not use the device when you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or
One moment of carelessness when using the device can result in serious injuries.
• Never work with only one hand. Hold the device always firmly with both hands.
• To have a break stop the machine and place it so that nobody is at risk.
Secure the device against unauthorized access.
• Take breaks when working so that the engine can cool down.