www.nektartech.com Nektar Impact LX49+ & LX61+ User Guide 11
The 8 pads are velocity sensitive and programmable with either note or MIDI switch messages. This means you can use them as regular
MIDI buttons as well as to punch out your drum beats and percussive melody parts. In addition, the pads have 4 velocity curve options and
3 fixed velocity options you can choose between, depending on what you are doing and your playing style.
Pad Maps
You can load and save up to 4 different pad setups in 4 memory locations called Pad maps. Here is how you load pad maps:
Press and hold the [Shift/Mute] button. The pad corresponding to the currently loaded pad map should now be illuminated.
Press the pad that corresponds to the pad map you want to recall. The pad map has now been loaded.
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show the 4 pad maps default assignments. Map 1 is a chromatic scale which is continued in Map 2. If you have drum setup that’s
laid out this way (many are) you can access drums 1-8 using Map 1 and drums 9-16 using Map 2.
Pad Learn
It’s easy to change a pad note assignments using the Pad Learn function. It works as follows:
1. Press the function button combination [Shift]+[Pad Learn]. The display will now blink, showing P1 (pad 1) as the default selected pad.
2. Hit the pad you want to assign a new note value to. The display blinks and updates to show the number of the pad you selected.
3. Press the key on the keyboard that corresponds to the note you want to assign to the pad. You can keep playing notes on the key-
board until you have found the note you want.
4. When you are done, press [Shift]+[Pad Learn] to exit and start playing your pads with the new assignment.
You can keep repeating steps 2. and 3. until you have created a complete Pad Map.
Programming MIDI Messages to Pads
The pads can also be used as MIDI switch buttons. To learn more, check the Setup section that covers how controls are programmed.
Pad Velocity Curves
You can choose between 4 velocity curves and 3 fixed velocity value options. For more information about the velocity curves and how to
choose them, read about the Setup Menu and go to page 19 for details about pad velocity curves.
Clips & Scenes buttons
The two Clips & Scenes buttons are reserved for Nektar DAW integration and do not have a function otherwise.