© 2008 NEHOC Australia Pty Ltd
You will note 3 creases on your mesh outside the artwork area
caused by compression as the mesh was passed through the
machine. Simply mount to a frame in the normal process.
The crease is outside the print area and will not effect your print
result, it is simply a cosmetic issue and should be ignored, as
it is part of the oversized imaging process.
Do not try to ‘pull out’ the crease when mounting to a frame -
you will distort your design and may damage the mesh
Step 18
Keeping your machine clean will ensure an ongoing trouble free operation. Above all avoid dusty
locations (see Machine Location on Page 3 for more details) and keep the Glass Roller clean.
Clean carefully using moistened cotton swab with small amount of washing up liquid.
Do not wet tables or rear electrical power plug
Glass Roller
Clean regularly - depress the ‘Feed’ button (detailed on page 3) and wiping with isopropyl alcohol (95%).
Wipe carrier immediately after use with lint free cloth and return to protective cover.
Red and Green LED fl ash simultaneously
Possible reasons:
High internal temperatures; you can continue to operate the machine
for 2-3 more copies before the overheat indicator illuminates
What you can do:
Don’t switch off the machine
, the fans will continue to cool the
machine for up to 20 minutes before normal operation resumes
Red and Green LED fl ash alternately
Possible reasons:
Machine has overheated - no more copies until cool down has completed
What you can do:
Don’t switch off the machine
, the cool down process can take
up to 20 minutes before normal operation resumes
The Heat Lamp does not work
Possible reasons:
Lamp has overheated - allow machine to cool down.
Lamp may be defective or have broken due to overheating
What you can do:
Don’t switch off the machine
, the fans will continue to cool the
machine for up to 20 minutes before normal operation resumes
Red LED is on
Possible reasons:
Timeout; the internal sensor couldn’t recognise the documents end
The heat lamp switched off to avoid damage to the machine
What you can do:
If cool, turn the machine off at the rear
If the error appears again
Red LED fl ashes
Possible reasons:
The glass Roller does not rotate, either the transport locks are in
place or the machine is mechanically blocked; there is a break in the
circuit to the Heat Lamp
What you can do:
Pull out any documents from the machine.
Contact dealer to arrange Service Technician repair.
If you feel something is wrong with the normal operation of your machine contact your sales
person fi rst and advise them of the problem. Often it may be a minor issue that they can
assist you with. If the issue can not be fi xed, they will contact the Priority Service Depart-
ment directly and a Service Technician will contact you using the details provided on your
warranty registration for machine service/ repair.