Technician Menu
4. test
4.3 autotest
4.3 Autotest
This function allows testing, in a semiautomatic way, of the main
machine components.
When pressing the confirm button, the message “AUTOTEST”
will be start blinking.
It is possible to cancel each operation and go to the next one by
pressing the exit button, but confirming with the confirm button
to start the autotest routine.
Some checks occur automatically, others need the manual op-
eration of the monitored component.
In a sequence:
- the mixers are activated for 2 seconds
- the mixers are activated for 2 seconds
- a cup is released
- a stirrer is released
- switching on of the fluorescent lamps
- the door LEDs are lit
- push-button panel test; the machine will display the number of
the button which must be pressed and awaits the actuation be-
fore going to the next button
- operation/repositioning of the dispensing spouts
- rotation of the brewer unit
- waste container switch; the machine awaits until the waste con-
tainer micro-switch is manually operated