Chapter 3 Replication Management
Selected Volume List
Displays the list of the pair (MV/RV) information selected in the Replication Information screen.
Volumes whose Execution Result is “Unexecutable” cannot be selected because they do not
satisfy the execution conditions.
For the “Unexecutable” volumes, do the following by referring to the Unexecutable Information.
Unexecutable Information
Have Unpaired
Execute it for a volume with the pair setting.
Execute it for a volume in the Synchronous state.
MV Separated Complete Execute it for a volume in the Synchronous state.
Forced Separation
Execute it for a volume in the Synchronous state.
MV Forced Separate
Execute it for a volume in the Synchronous state.
MV Fault
Refer to 2.2.2 “HW Fault Unique to Replication” in the “Data
Replication User’s Manual (Installation and Operation Guide for
Windows)” to recover from the failure.
MV Outside iSM
After execution of RV Forced Separate, perform Forced Separate for
the volume in MV with the pair setting.
MV Monitoring
After execution of RV Forced Separate, perform Forced Separate for
the volume in MV with the pair setting.
MV Freeze
After execution of RV Forced Separate, perform Forced Separate for
the volume in MV with the pair setting.
MV Force Unpaired
Perform Forced Unpair for RV.
RV Separate Complete Execute it for a volume in the Synchronous state.
RV Forced Separate
Execute it for a volume in the Synchronous state.
RV Outside iSM
After execution of MV Forced Separate, perform Forced Separate for
the volume in RV with the pair setting.
RV Monitoring
After execution of MV Forced Separate, perform Forced Separate for
the volume in RV with the pair setting.
RV Freeze
After execution of MV Forced Separate, perform Forced Separate for
the volume in RV with the pair setting.
RV Force Unpaired
Perform Forced Unpair for MV.
Have been registered to
Execute it for a volume that is not registered in the AT-group.
(ii) Summary Display/Details Display
For more information on this item, refer to 3.2.6 “Information Displayed on Execution Dialog”.