3. Convenient Features
• The [LIGHT MODE] can be changed by using the menu.
Select [SETUP]
• The light module hours used can be checked in [USAGE TIME]. Select [INFO.]
• After a lapse of 1 minute from when the projector displays a blue, black or logo screen, [LIGHT MODE] will automatically switch
to [ECO].
• If the projector is overheated in [NORMAL] mode, there may be a case where the [LIGHT MODE] automatically changes to [ON]
mode to protect the projector. This is called “Forced LIGHT MODE”. When the projector is in the Forced LIGHT MODE, the picture
brightness decreases slightly and the TEMP. indicator lights orange. At the same time the Thermometer symbol [ ] is displayed
at the bottom right of the screen.
When the projector comes back to normal temperature, the Forced LIGHT MODE is cancelled and the [LIGHT MODE] returns to
[NORMAL] mode.