Maintenance and Troubleshooting 4-3
When prompted, enter your fax number and name.
For international use, first enter the international long distance access number (011), your
country code, your area code or city code, then your fax number.
The information you requested will be automatically sent to your fax machine. Please wait
for the ordered document to arrive at your fax machine before calling to order more
documents. If FastFacts attempts to send the second order before the first order is
completed, the order may be canceled. After three tries, FastFacts assumes that your line is
busy and terminates any further processing of the order.
NEC Bulletin Board Service
If you have access to a modem, the NEC Bulletin Board Service (BBS) can be used to
provide you with the latest information on hardware and software. The BBS allows you to
download files (video drivers, printer drivers, BIOS updates, etc.) for system enhancements
and upgrades.
The BBS can also be accessed through the CompuServe online service.
Log onto the BBS as follows.
From the Windows for Workgroups Program Manager, select Accessories and
double click on Terminal.
If you have Windows 95, see the online
help or your Windows 95 documentation to set
the NEC BBS parameters and dial the BBS
phone number.
From the Settings menu, click on Communications, check that the settings match
the following BBS parameters, and click OK when done.
Baud rate: select the highest baud rate that matches your modem
Parity: none
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: Xon/Xoff (select Hardware if using 14.4 bps or higher).
From the Phone menu, click on Dial, enter the BBS phone number (508-635-
4706), and click OK. Your business phone system and/or location might require a
9 1 or 1 prefix.