Appendix B Confirm WWPN addresses after setup
You can confirm WWPN addresses of this product after install this product into the computer by latter
procedures or the WWPN label on the bracket.
Confirm WWPN addresses at the computer boot
1> Confirm that this product is properly installed. Then, turn on the computer.
If the logo is displayed but the BIOS window is not, press <ESC> key to
display it.
2> Hold <Alt> key or <Ctrl> key and press <E> key while the following message is displayed. Then, you
see this product’s BIOS menu.
ᵣᶋᶓᶊᶃᶖᴾ ᴾ ᵪᶇᶅᶆᶒᵮᶓᶊᶑᶃᴾᵤᵡᴾᶖᵖᵔᴾᵠᵧᵭᵱᵊᴾᵴᶃᶐᶑᶇᶍᶌᴾᵔᵌᵎᵏᵿᵏᵐᴾ
ᵡᶍᶎᶗᶐᶇᶅᶆᶒᴾ ᵆᶁᵇᴾᵏᵗᵗᵕᵋᵐᵎᵏᵐᴾᵣᶋᶓᶊᶃᶖᵌᴾᵟᶊᶊᴾᶐᶇᶅᶆᶒᶑᴾᶐᶃᶑᶃᶐᶔᶃᶂᵌᴾ
ᵮᶐᶃᶑᶑᴾᵚᵟᶊᶒᴾᵣᵜᴾᶍᶐᴾᵚᵡᶒᶐᶊᴾᵣᵜᴾᶒᶍᴾᶃᶌᶒᶃᶐᴾᵣᶋᶓᶊᶃᶖᴾ ᴾ ᵠᵧᵭᵱᴾᶁᶍᶌᶄᶇᶅᶓᶐᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾ
Without enable the Option Rom of PCI slot which installed this product, this
message is not displayed. Refer to the computer’s User’s Guide for how to enable
the Option Rom of PCI slot.
This product’s BIOS menu consumes a lot of memories. Therefore, depending on
your environment (for example, an expansion board is consuming a lot of
memories), this message may not be displayed or you may not be able to change
the settings. In such a case, disable the Option Rom unnecessary on computer or
take other countermeasures. Refer to the computer’s User’s Guide for how to
disable the Option Rom.