Chapter 4 Refresh
This chapter describe about the refresh (Learn Cycle).
4-1. Refresh
A RAID Controller must measure correct capacity of new battery. So at first, the RAID
Controller charges the battery fully, and then discharges. Finally it charges the battery again,
and refresh completes. These operations are called "Refresh". The refresh runs
automatically just one time because the correct capacity is saved to a BBU.
It is not able to check whether the battery is on the way of refresh or not from Universal
RAID Utility. You can understand that the refresh is running until the Cache Mode changes
to "Write Back".
4-2. Cache Mode when refresh is going on
Cache Mode changes to “Write Through” during refresh when the setting is “normal Write
Back mode”. If the setting is “constant Write Back mode”, Cache Mode keeps “Write Back”.
On the Universal RAID Utility, normal Write Back mode is display as Auto Switch, and
constant Write Back mode is displayed as Write Back.
Relationships between capacity and time during refresh