Microsoft Windows CE Services D-3
Regularly back up your device data
on your host PC using Windows CE Services in
case information on your device is ever corrupted
or lost. Connect your device and then click
Backup/Restore on the Tools menu in the
Mobile Devices folder on your host PC. Your first
back up may take some time, depending on how
much information you have on your device.
Subsequent backups will be faster if you select
Synchronizing Files and File Conversion
One way to move documents to your device is to simply
connect your device and host PC, open your device icon in
the Mobile Devices folder, and drag the files. Copies of the
files are placed on your device, and files are automatically
converted to a format that the device can read. However, for
documents that you update frequently on both your device
and host PC, you may want to synchronize the copy on your
host PC with the one on your device so that you always have
an up-to-date copy on both computers. To do so, store the
files you want to synchronize in the Synchronized Files
folder on the device and host PC. During synchronization,
files are updated in both locations.
On the device, the Synchronized
Files folder is in the My Documents folder. On
the host PC, the Synchronized Files folder is
Synchronized Files, where
is the name of your device. If you are using
Windows 95, the folder is located in the My
Documents folder (c:\My Documents\
Synchronized Files). If you are using Windows
NT, the folder is located in the Personal folder
(c:\Winnt\Profiles\your username\Personal\
Synchronized Files).