1. Clean the refri g e rator thoroughly. Wipe the outside with a dry cloth, and the inside with a damp cloth.
2. Set the temperature control knob at normal position.
3. Connect the power supply cord.
4. Tu rn the power on at the wa l l .
M a ny factors may influence the internal temperature of the refrigerator and freeze r
c o m p a rt m e n t s .
The temperature and humidity of the surrounding env i r o n m e n t .
The opening frequency of the doors and the amount of wa rm food placed in the refri g e ra t o r.
The combination of food and containers stored in the refri g e ra t o r.
For these reasons, you may want to adjust the thermostat to suit the season and your needs.
To control temperature
H ow to operate
Te m p e rature is controlled automatically by a therm o s t a t .
The Te m p e rature Control inside the refri g e rator controls the degree of cooling for each
c o m p a rt m e n t .
F r e e zer Temperature Contro l
The control has four settings from MIN to
WINTER. WINTER mode is ava i l a ble only if
atmosphere temperature is below 10°C.
Starting your new refrigerator
R e f r i gerator Temperature Contro l
The control has four settings from MIN to
WINTER. WINTER mode is ava i l a ble only if
atmosphere temperature is below 10°C.