H ow to Install
Install the refri g e rator in a convenient location away from extreme heat and cold. Allow at least 6cm
c l e a rance between the refri g e rator and side wall so that the door may open for a fully usable interi o r
and the refri g e rator may have good air circulation. The refri g e rator is not designed for recessed
i n s t a l l a t i o n .
Select a strong and level floor.
Keep 6cm of space between the refri g e rator
and the wa l l s.
L evel the refri g e rator so that it rests solidly on the floor without rocking. There are two leveling feet at
each front corn e r. Tu rn to the left to raise a corn e r, to the right to lower it. Use bl o cks under the rear
c o rn e r s, if necessary.
If you want the refri g e rator door to close automatically, adjust the leveling feet so that the front of
the refri g e rator is raised by 5mm.
If you want the refri g e rator door to remain motionless when open, adjust the leveling feet so that
all four corners are level with each other.
N OT E : All packing materials used to ensure safety during tra n s p o rt should be removed. Yo u
must remove the tra n s p o rt safety packing and wipe off any possible adhesive tape
residues with a petroleum-based cleaner or similar solve n t .