3. Accessing Data for Electric Power, Temperature, and Processor Utilization
Express5800/R120h-1M, R120h-2M Maintenance Guide
Chapter 3 Appendix
Accessing Data for Electric Power, Temperature,
and Processor Utilization
This section describes how to access data related to input power consumption in watts, intake temperature, and
all logical processor utilizations in the Express Server during usual operation in accordance with ENERGY
Program Requirements.
The sample program below is verified to be run normally on Windows Server 2016.
Power consumption
Execute the following commands to access power consumption readings on Baseboard Management Controller
(BMC) by using Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI).
Network Function Code:
2Ch (Group Extension)
Command Code:
02h (Get Power Reading)
Request Data : 000001DCh
Below is the sample file created by using Visual Basic Script (named as Power.vbs).
' Start Script
Option Explicit
' Prepare for IPMI Driver
Dim osvc, oclass
Dim oinstance, oipmi
set osvc = getobject("winmgmts:root
set oclass = osvc.get("microsoft_ipmi")
for each oinstance in osvc.instancesof("microsoft_ipmi")
set oipmi = oinstance
'Format the IPMI command request
Dim oinparams
set oinparams = oclass.methods_("requestresponse").inparameters
oinparams.networkfunction = &h2c
oinparams.lun = 0
oinparams.responderaddress = &h20
oinparams.command = &h02
oinparams.requestdata = array (&hdc, &h01, &h00, &h00)
oinparams.requestdatasize = 4
'call the driver
Dim outparams
set outparams = oipmi.execmethod_("requestresponse",oinparams)
WScript.Echo " Completion Code = 0x" & hex(outparams.Completioncode)
If outparams.Completioncode <> 0 Then
Wscript.Echo " Not supported"
'WScript.Echo " Data LS Byte = 0x" & hex(outparams.ResponseData(2))
'WScript.Echo " Data MS Byte = 0x" & hex(outparams.ResponseData(3))
WScript.Echo " Power Consumption = " & outparams.ResponseData(3)*256 + _
outparams.ResponseData(2) & " watts"
End If
' End Script
' Start Script
C:¥VBS> cscript //nologo Power.vbs