User Manual
NEC Digital Signage Software
Version 2.3
User Manual
V1.0 v. 06.05.09
2009 NEC Display Solutions
all rights reserved
2.4 Add or Modify a Ticker
Ticker texts are displayed continuously and superimpose other displayed content. To every active
Content Project, one ticker can be added and then modified.
In order to add or modify a ticker click on the left icon bar on
or choose the function
in the menu bar. The ticker window opens. In order to activate the ticker and make the ticker
visible in the preview, click the checkbox
Ticker active
or choose in the menu bar of the main window:
Ticker On
Now you can individually design your Ticker with content and text. You can use up to 999 characters.
Here also an immediate preview is displayed.
Optionally, a continuously online updated ticker channel can be selected from the list of Channel
Services (RSS Feed). These Tickers with news, weather, sport etc. will be provided by authorized
providers on the web. Only tickers that have been subscribed to in a separate procedure can be used
as ticker channels (Cp. Chapter. 3.1).
Active Tickers are only shown in the preview window. They are not displayed in the Content